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  • Who can book with Neroli Baby?
    Neroli Baby specializes in care for women and children.
  • How many sessions do I need?
    Most people do well starting with 4-5 sessions. After that, we can often move to less frequent sessions. This is why our packages are great! They set you up for a great start.
  • What do I wear?
    Wear comfy clothing you can easily move in. Please don't wear skirts/dresses. Bring extra clothes for babies in case of a blow out.
  • Can I split a package between multiple people?
    Packages are intended for a person to have 4-6 sessions. We do not allow a different person to take each session. However, if you have a couple littles who won't last an hour, splitting all of the sessions between them often works well. (For example, child A and child B each get half of each session.)
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